Pediatric Services

What we offer

Pediatric Headache, Migraine, and Pain Management

Psychological skills for pain management can help children and adolescents with chronic painful conditions including headache, migraine, abdominal pain, and musculoskeletal pain such as AMPS, CRPS, and JIA. Learn about pain hygiene, activity pacing, relaxation strategies, cognitive techniques, and more.

Anxiety and Stress Management

Anxiety, worries, and stress can mess with school performance, focus, sleep, relationships, and more. This can be especially true when we feel internal or external pressure to achieve at a high level. Learn to understand how stress works, and create a customized set of coping skills to prevent stress and handle it better when it comes up.

GI Health

Children, teens, and young adults struggling with IBS, IBD, abdominal pain, or other GI health concerns can learn more about the gut-brain connection and the role of the nervous system, behavioral strategies, relaxation, cognitive skills, and more.

Sports Injury, Concussion, and Performance

Student-athletes who have experienced a concussion or other injury, or who are struggling with anxiety and participating in their sport, can work toward return to sport and play via strategies such as goal setting, communication skills with coaches and teammates, energy regulation and pacing, lifestyle habits, relaxation exercises, and cognitive skills. Consultation and collaboration with physical therapists and athletic trainers is also offered.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

— Viktor E. Frankl, M.D.